Gratitude and Legacies: Concluding Locals Only 2017-19
May 28, 2019
Locals Only hosted a series of workshops for our youth artists this past week. The workshops included topics of “Developing Public Projects” with lead artist Justin Langlois, and “Communicating Calmly in Stressful Situations” with Registered Nurse Rissy Hantke. This workshop series is a part of the artist training for the Locals Only youth artists.
On Saturday, June 2nd the Locals Only youth artists gathered for a Skype workshop with Justin. He spoke on “Developing Public Projects,” and the youth learned about how art can make public statements, activate a neighbourhood, and help engage and empower community members.
After the presentation, students were given the opportunity to share what ideas stood out to them and also brainstorm what projects they would like to create in the community.
The room buzzed with chatter about ideas about how art can help create empathy, create a platform for engaging in difficult conversations, how it can bring people together to share stories, and how it can create social change.
Continuing on with our series of youth workshops, on Monday, June 4th Locals Only hosted Registered Nurse, Rissy Hantke, for a workshop on communicating calmly in stressful situations.
The workshop centred around teaching healthy emotional boundaries, as well as tools on how to handle difficult situations that might arise when working in with the public. Locals Only youth artists will be working out in the Riversdale community and this workshop worked on helping the students to learn to navigate situations, should they arise. The students practiced the 4-step process of non-violent communication.
The workshop was interactive and informative. Thank you to Rissy for sharing her expertise with joy and wisdom.
Youth Artists Karden Marceau, Anya Pekurovski, Meagan Hong, Brianna Painchaud, Aaron Nepoose, Lisa Lam, Jordan Williams, Terri Belisle will be featured at the Locals Only art carts this summer. Stay tuned for Locals Only events and catch these artists around Riversdale this summer!