Seed Packets

July 25, 2018

The activity at the art carts on Wednesday July 25th was seed packet decorating led by youth artist Lisa Lam. Blank seed packets were given to people and they decorated them however they liked. We had a bunch of collage materials and magazines as well as colourful markers and pens. Once the seed packets were done, people were able to choose some seeds to take home with them. The activity was a gateway for being able to introduce questions about food insecurity such as, “Why does food insecurity exist?”, “What does planting seeds teach us?”, and “What will you plant next?”.

We also had fun conversations about cartoons, art, and sharks! It was quite calm during the beginning but got busier as the day went on and we even got Shaw TV to come do a segment with us! Kids and adults had a great time making a wonderful creation on their seed packets.

Wednesday’s Youth: Lisa, Brianna, Karden

To find the Locals Only youth out in the community, check out our summer cart schedule or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram!