Gratitude and Legacies: Concluding Locals Only 2017-19
May 28, 2019
The youth artists were out near the Boathouse on Saturday, July 28. Anya Pekurovski, Brianna Painchaud, and Lisa Lam led a project that focused on engaging the community through creating original tea blends. Many people stopped by to make delicious tea blends and learn about the different projects that Locals Only is running throughout the summer in Riversdale. We had some great conversations with locals relating to the topic of tea—like what their favorite tea was (lavender was popular!)—and delved into the topic of food preservation, which was one of the themes Locals Only focused on. Tea is a method of preservation, along with jam and Pemmican-making, which are some activities that Locals Only explored. The process of making tea blends teaches us about methods of preserving food and creating our own recipes.
Saturday’s Youth: Anya, Brianna, Lisa
To find the Locals Only youth out in the community, check out our summer cart schedule or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram!