Locals Only Artists

Holly Schmidt

Vancouver, BC

Holly Schmidt is an artist, curator and educator based in Vancouver. Her research-based practice engages processes of collaboration and informal pedagogy. Moving across disciplinary boundaries, she explores the relationships between practices of making, knowledge creation and the formation of temporary communities. Schmidt’s work focuses on dialogue and exchange across generations and communities. Her long term durational public art and residency projects include Pollen Index (2016) Charles H. Scott Gallery, Till (2014/15) with the Santa Fe Art Institute & Moving Arts, Mess Hall (2013) as part of the residency Society is a Workshop at the Banff Centre, Moveable Feast (2012) with Burnaby Art Gallery, Grow (2011) with Other Sights for Artists’ Projects.



Holly Schmidt’s project for Locals Only, A-Y, draws together elders from the cultural communities formative to the Riversdale neighbourhood to exchange bread-making traditions and recipes. In the process of sharing, and inspired by elements from all of these traditions, a new recipe will be created for a bread that is unique to the neighbourhood and intended for locals. The bread will be served in envelopes printed with food history from the area. The A-Y recipe will also be shared in Locals Only‘s Recipe Book and over coffee wherever bakers can be found in Riversdale.